AYURVEDA’S POPULARITY I have always fed my dogs well and treated them with herbal remedies.  I read Janey Lee Graces books on how to bring my children up naturally.  Looking at alternative medicines and beauty treatments.  Now my life has led me here and I feel I have found what I have been searching for, the thing which resonates with me.  Ayurveda.  But…. It doesn’t seem to fit into today’s society.  But that is all changing. Today people are turning to Acupuncture, Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage where usually they would go to the doctors for a tablet to mask the symptoms rather than treating the root of the problem. I know it, I have been there! But I have been turning to these alternative methods and found they have worked more long term.  After my motorbike accident in 2005 I was offered Acupuncture on the NHS and it really helped me.  This is something that would never have been heard of just 10 years earlier. My wonderful girl Chloe, who I lost in the summer, was being treated with Mistletoe extract for her cancer and it shrunk her tumour massively and gave her a longer life.  A treatment they use in over 50% of human cancer patients in Germany, but we dismiss here. Germany relies on complimentary medicine, and I hope that there will be a big shift here too.  In the past 3 years there has been a big increase in the usage of Ayurveda in the West with positive response, and long may it continue. Previous PostNext Post


AYURVEDA’S HISTORY Since the 1950’s there have been government reports on how effective it is as a medical system.  The WHO (World Health Organisation) conducted a review of Ayurveda at the turn or the millennium and concluded that it is a “safe, clinically needed form of health care that serves a large proportion of the World’s population.” Since then it has gone from strength to strength in the West.  Since Covid times as well, Ayurvedic treatments have been noticed to help support patients with Covid as well as long Covid. Thank you very much Sam, @mindbodymedical for introducing me to the world of Ayurveda and supporting me with this clinical diploma in Ayurveda.   Previous PostNext Post

Bhramari Pranayama – Bee Breath

Bhramari Pranayama – Bee Breath Place your thumbs on your tragus, the little bit of cartilage in the middle of the ear and press them in. Place the rest of your hands across the top of the head or over your eyes. Inhale through the nose and exhale with the mouth closed, creating a hum like a bee in the mouth. You will feel the soothing vibrations fill your head and relax the body. Repeat 3 or 4 times. Longer if you wish. Previous PostNext Post


CORE / ABDOMINALS It means pull in your tummy, bringing your belly button to your spine. This helps support your back. By engaging your core you are activating the: *Rectus Abdominis – vertical muscle between pubis and the fifth, sixth and seventh ribs. *External Obliques – pair of muscles either side of the Rectus Abdominis. Forming a v shape from lower ribs to pelvis. *Internal Obliques – just below the external obliques. *Transversus Abdominis – this is the deepest level of muscles that form a muscle type belt around the torso from the lower ribs to the pelvis. Previous PostNext Post


GUDUCHI It is known as a Rasayanic herb, one that “destroys ageing and disease”. It is a tropical creeper that has heart shaped leaves. It can: -SUPPORT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM especially supporting post-viral fatigue, ME and after cancer treatments by speeding up the repair of the immune system. -NORMALISE GUT FLORA aiding digestion, helping with constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, acid reflux, candida overgrowth and other related issues. -HEAL THE LIVER by regenerating liver tissues -calming to help with stress and burnout but also increasing physical and emotional energy. -HELP INFLAMMATORY SKIN CONDITIONS such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. -ANTI-INFLAMMATORY so helps with arthritis. Not suitable for Pregnancy and Breast Feeding. Previous PostNext Post

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